
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Someone once explained to me the phrase, “square peg in a round hole.”  I believe that, by the fearful and wonderful craft of God, I am just that.  Let me explain:

I am your standard white, Euro-mut American (and very proud of the Irish part for no particular reason) but I speak Spanish, LOVE spicy (not store-bought “spicy”) food, and I dance salsa as well as eat it.  I recently received my Bachelor’s in Spanish and a Minor in Journalism from Eastern Washington University in Cheney, Washington…for you East-siders, that’s Washington State.

I was raised half Chicagoan, half Spokanite (Spokane, Washington), so that is two completely polar opposite cultures: big, sprawling and diversified city versus smaller, scenic and somewhat less culturally enlightened town.  Therefore, I am a pizza snob but I enjoy stretching my dollar.

I am, as my Macy’s retail job demands, girly-girly and elegant in outward appearance and in mannerisms for the most part, but I am a tomboy at heart, minus the athletic skill (if social dancing doesn’t count).  My idea of embracing immaturity is not by gossipping (I try to avoid that) but by belching out loud in my home and walking barefoot in the summer so calluses develop on my feet.

And in the realm of my Christian walk:

I was born into a holiday-celebrating “Christian” home that never went to Church, and in the last year or so I made the decision to accept Christ into my life.  My family gives mixed reviews on my Christian life (I would say that my mom and I see a little more eye to eye), but

the majority of my friends are Christian…so I am, in my doubtful moments when I struggle with trusting God, or in my better moments, a square peg in either of those round holes. 

I also did not come by a sudden conversion but, since embarking on the road to recovery from Anorexia, and throughout high school and college, I have been searching for Jesus.  It was not until my junior year of college that I did as Jeremiah 29:13: “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart.”  Since doing that, the Lord is slowly but in His marvelous way revealing to my stubborn mind how to let go of those things that block my heart from Him, one by one.  Going through an eating disorder makes you realize how much you really try to control your life and how much you don’t just “Let go and let God.”  In the moments where I have done so, a huge weight lifts from my heart.

I apologize for the lengthiness of this biography for anyone who has braved reading it.  I might be less wordy in blogs.  I love to write and hope to pursue it in journalism if that is what Jesus wants to do through me.  I also love speaking Spanish, and I by faith pursued a degree in such, not knowing why but just wanting to decide and graduate.  I think this mission will be a manifestation of the plan God has for my ability to pick up languages and work with words, as well as my desire to become more Christ-like in reaching out to the lost. 

I hope that if fellow missionaries read this, they are encouraged to get to know me better.  I am not without flaws or aggravating traits, as we all are, but who I am is becoming more and more comforting to my heart since I know God is gradually making me to be more like Him, Lord willing. 

To my fellow fym’ers: I am excited to meet you and work with you.  Que Dios te bendiga en todos sus esfuerzos.  I’ll see you down south!

Jillian Andre